How to make more money in less time so you can grow your business quickly and profitably
Imagine you know exactly what to do to grow your business. Imagine you know exactly where to focus your energy this year. In the next 90 days. And tomorrow.
This one-hour workshop teaches you a proven three-step formula to:
· Uncover your wins
· Get clear on your vision
· Help you (and your staff) achieve peak performance
You leave knowing what you should be working on right now. And with the tools for making your time work for you, so you can build the business you want.
Sara Roach-Lewis is a certified trainer and coach in The 90 Day Year Program. She will demonstrate how you can achieve more in your business in 90 days than most accomplish in a year. Developed by celebrated Olympic coach, Todd Herman, this model combines focused strategy and action that has helped thousands of business around the world grow in record time.